Autonomous Quadruped Robot



As the leader of a team of 20 interdisciplinary students, I had the privilege of spearheading the development of an autonomous quadruped robot that achieved three walking gait patterns within just six months. This was a tremendous accomplishment that required creativity, hard work, and strong team collaboration. 

Initial Prototypes

In addition to the hardware development, we also focused on the robot's actuator system, using a DC motor to ensure quick motion response and achieving holding torques of 15Nm. This enabled us to fine-tune the robot's movements and achieve the desired gait pattern. 

test 2.mp4


Finding the ideal combination of mechanisms and gaits that could be performed consistently was challenging. Our team engaged in numerous rounds of testing, evaluating the robot's performance and making adjustments to achieve the desired level of precision and reliability. This involved constant refinement and optimization of the robot's design, including fine-tuning the actuator system. 

Fastest Kiwi Robot

In addition to above robot I also designed three wheeled Kiwi drive robot and ensured that the robot's locomotion was reliable and efficient, we fabricated and iterated 4-wheel drive prototypes that guaranteed reliable traction and minimal slippage, with a tolerance of less than 2%. We also designed and built test-assemblies and fixtures that allowed us to reduce total testing time by an impressive 50%. 



Managing such a large and interdisciplinary team can be challenging, but I was able to orchestrate the team's workflow processes effectively. By distributing tasks and assignments across the team, we were able to achieve optimal progress while minimizing delays and ensuring everyone's involvement in the project's success. Our approach enabled us to develop and complete the project in under a year, which was an impressive achievement given the complexity of the task.  

Overall, this project was a fantastic example of what can be achieved when a team of diverse individuals comes together to pursue a common goal. I'm incredibly proud of what we accomplished, and I believe this experience has taught us all valuable lessons about teamwork, perseverance, and the power of creativity and collaboration. 

Developed robots and related mechanism for Robocon 2019 competition

Skills: Leadership, Product Design, Prototying, Manufacturing, Solidworks, 3D printing, Arduino, Arduino programming,