Depth Estimation using Mono Camera

Problem Statement

Web_Monocular Depth estimation (CSE598)

Zigzag Obstacle Crossing

Results for Samsung S22

1. Hardware Generalization 

a. The method's accessibility is limited due to the high cost of the Intel Realsense 435i hardware. I focused on testing the method using more affordable hardware options.

b. Most widely available hardware that comes with a camera and an IMU sensor is a mobile device. The algorithm required perfect synchronization of camera frames and  IMU sensor. 

d. Using android phone APIs, time synchronised camera feed and synced imu data was generated. 

c. Algorithm utilizes pickles file with different time calculation method. So, Python scripts were developed to preprocess the data for the algorithm

d. With new scripts we were able to get distance values using $100 phone camera. We also tested with different android camera phones and validate the performance of the method with ground truth measurements.

e. Original method only calculates the distance of objects within a fixed patch. I implemented image detection pipeline to calculate distances for objects within the entire frame.

f. I implemented an object detection pipeline using YOLO V5, a lightweight object detection model. Create an update patch function that resets the patch's dimensions and location based on the detected object's position in the frame.

g. The original method uses a static gain state observer (Luenberger Observer).  I utilized a dynamic Kalman gain for handling noisy measurements and output correction. 

Challenges faced:

Project 3: Dynamic State Observer

Designed, manufactured and iterated 3 wheeled Kiwi Robot

Skills : Solidworks, CNC machining, 3D printing, Lathe, manufacturing, controls

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